The Restless Gemini

Έν οίδα ότι ουδέν οίδα --- Hen oida hoti ouden oida

December 06, 2005


Should women have children after 35?
No, 35 children are enough!
Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip round the Sun..
Your future depends on your dreams
So go to sleep !
Work fascinates me
I can look at it for hours !
God made relatives;
Thank God we can choose our friends
A good discussion is like a miniskirt;
Short enough to pertain interest and long enough to cover the subject
A drunk was hauled into court. Mister, the judge began, you've been brought here for drinking..
Great, the drunk exclaimed. When do we get started?
Can you do anything that other people can't?
Sure, I can read my handwriting.
Whom are you working for?
Same people. My wife and four kids..
I heard you have a cat that can say her own name..
Yes. Meow..
Divorce has become so common that my wife and I are staying married just to be different..
When a wife was asked: What book do you like the best?
She answers: My husband's cheque book..


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