The Restless Gemini

Έν οίδα ότι ουδέν οίδα --- Hen oida hoti ouden oida

October 20, 2005

First Things First...

Ha...finally here it is. I have been wanting since long to get a blog of my own. Neither am I a great writer nor do I have lots to write...but blogging seems to be the "In" thing as on date. So without further ado, Iam jumping on to the bandwagon. Many thanks to buddy Thirumurugan (, who took time out to explain me the basics of blogging. I had an obsession with static homepages viz., Geocities, Tripod etc., before the dotcom bubble burst - but never really got beyond the Index page even then. Let me see how long I can carry on blogging. Thanks are due to Sidin(whom I know well, through his posts), for kindling in me the fire to blog. His' was the first blog I ever got to see - Domain Maximus ( Let this man take 'one small step' on behalf of the entire mankind by publishing this blog and get going.


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